Meeting Bob Dylan and My Forrest Gump Life

I went out one night to a bar on MacDougal street to relax with a glass of vodka and my journal, a big black book filled with drawings and clippings pasted in. A tall handsome man with piercing blue eyes and a cap asked if he could sit down with me. My heart stopped beating in my chest and I lost my breath. It was the man who had written the sound track to my entire life—Bob Dylan.

Another Story from my Upcoming Book

Here is another sample story from my upcoming book, an example of the true (and sometimes pretty harrowing) stories that will be incorporated into my memoirs. I’m so excited about this memoir editing project and hope you will visit my GoFundMe campaign to learn... Campaign to Fund a Book Editor

I have just started a campaign. Through this campaign, I hope to find an editor for my autobiography and to raise the funds I need to pay him or her. Please read on to find out why this is so important to me, and why I need help to complete this project.

CJCI Workshop

CJCI Workshop participants show off the jewelry they made during Wendy’s second CJCI workshop at the 2015 annual convention in Providence, Rhode Island!